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Paul James, Dean of Curricula



Who Should Attend

The search for insurance excellence and the four drivers of achieving sustainable profitable growth: The SBLC program emerged from comprehensive research that sought to answer two crucial questions. Why is it that some, although far too few, insurance organizations achieve ever higher levels of sustainable profitable real growth? And what must insurance companies do to understand and build the drivers of such performance excellence? This rigorous far-reaching research revealed four uncompromising practices that leaders of the very best insurance companies are obsessed with: Attaining Self Mastery, Fostering Organizational Health, Building Team Excellence, and continually assisting people at every level in Elevating and Fulfilling Their Potential. These four practices serve as the topical domains of performance excellence that constitute the uniquely robust SBLC learning experience. The SBLC class content is delivered at the graduate level through dynamic tutorial presentations. Each topic is characterized by high engagement, interaction, lively discussion and continuous participation. And is further enlivened through rigorous cases studies and insurance industry illustrations. The tone is challenging and the content robust – providing a highly informative, stimulating and fast paced learning experience. Resulting knowledge is both profound and pragmatic which participants can immediately apply to the benefit of their organization as well as to their current and future responsibilities.

The Strength Based  Leader and Coach (SBLC) program provides the knowledge, skills and techniques to act and speak with exceptional clarity and vividness to bring out the very best in people – and themselves: You will learn to enhance the human experience; giving voice to people, nurturing and instilling their self worth, and motivating them to work and live more fully – to bring all their passion, imagination and energy to their role, assignments and team.  Your SBLC development begins by learning and distinguishing the attributes of self mastery. Through proprietary instruments specifically developed for the SBLC curriculum you will rapidly calibrate and further advance your own journey in Attaining Self Mastery – turning theory into action and providing you improved capabilities to apply the processes and practices that enable and inspire growth and creativity throughout the organization. Upon this foundation of Self Mastery, you will learn how to foster Organizational Health by understanding and practicing those disciplines and techniques in shaping a context that serves as a platform in building an exceptional insurance company. A context that is vibrant, high energy, innovative, and inexorably resilient. It is within this context of Organizational Health, enlivened through new SBLC tools and techniques, that you will gain the insights, tools, techniques and  acumen to build extraordinary teams. From your increased Self Mastery combined with your heightened ability to increasingly foster Organizational Health and Build Excellent Teams, you will learn how truly Elevate People Performance. You will grasp a deeper understanding of how to act on a sincere belief that every person has both the potential and responsibility to make a positive difference. You will enhance your ability to cultivate meaningful connections with people in a way that generates an enduring context of mutual trust and respect within which personal growth and performance can flourish.

An extraordinary professional development program for extraordinary times: This time in the insurance industry is like no other. For this is an extraordinary time. There is a convergence of multiple and incredibly powerful forces of change that are sweeping across our industry and the society it serves. This moment, this time of transformation, is a time of unprecedented freedom for those insurance organizations and their people with the foresight, the grit, the imagination to rewrite the rules of the game. This is the time to ignite the potential of the organization by uncovering, amplifying and leveraging the potential of everyone. This is the time to help people reach from where they are to where they can be. This is the time for all to go beyond what is simply required to envision and make real that which is truly possible. The Strength Based Leader and Coach (SBLC) designation is designed for all insurance professionals striving to make their insurance organization extraordinary. To make their organization - whether at the enterprise, functional, or team level - all that it can possibly be. To reveal and fulfill the true potential of the organization.  It is for those striving to create a context by which everyone has the opportunity, indeed the responsibility, to discover and pursue their hidden potential. To instill self mastery. For everyone to write their own never unending story of who they can become.  More than anything else, the SBLC professional development experience is for all those yearning to discover new sources within themselves by which they can contribute more to the organization and to all whose path they cross.

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