April 16-18, 2025
Mastering and Applying Lean Six Sigma Best Practices to Achieve Breakthrough Performance: Participants earn their Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification through an immersive development program specifically designed to the unique requirements of insurance leaders and professionals. The 2025 LSSBB content now includes designing and modeling end-to-end zero waste and zero touch process engineering, distribution channel streamlining, as well as artificial intelligence and generative AI root cause analysis, solution deployment and design for product-process-people constructs for six-sigma high performance
5% for CIOP Designees
10% for Teams of 3+
20% for Teams of 5+
30% for Teams of 10+
Instructor Led Virtual
Distant Learning
Designing, Building and Leading World Class Insurance Operations: Provides an in depth and contemporary analysis of all the components essential to stablish a superior insurance operations platform in reducing costs, improving the customer and employee experience while accelerating profitable growth. The program tutorials have been amplified to include the latest thinking and emerging disciplines associated with new operational metrics, AI augmented operational modeling and execution, data story telling 2.0 skills, building a high performing team of diversity, talent, behavior, skills and intelligence as well as reinventing the insurance processing, servicing and call centers of the future
5% for CIOP Designees
10% for Teams of 3+
20% for Teams of 5+
30% for Teams of 10+
Instructor Led Virtual
Distant Learning
November 12-14, 2025
Successfully Leading, Facilitating, Managing and Navigating the Enterprise, Work Units, and Individuals Through Significant Changes and Transitions: Rigorous presentation of all the most robust change management frameworks, tools and techniques uniquely combined with learning and applying the very best coaching practices and disciplines. The 2025 MCMC program curriculum has been expanded to include the Atomic Habits of Masterful Coaching, Coaching in a Remote and Hybrid Organizational Setting, Populating and Managing the Strategic Innovation & Change Program Office, Coaching with Compassionate Candor, Cognitive Behavioral Styling, and coaching staff to better manage how they are being perceived in building mutually beneficial working relationships
10% for Teams of 3+
20% for Teams of 5+
30% for Teams of 10+
Instructor Led Virtual
Distant Learning
September 10-12, 2025
Defining, Designing, Verifying and Deploying Outstanding Business Solutions: Participants learn all the key concepts, approaches and disciplines in creating superior insurance business solutions through enabling technology applications as well as the essential social skills of influencing without authority, flawless facilitation, and communicating for results. In addition to the key concepts, disciplines and techniques with learning the very best business analysis practices the 2025 Curriculum has been amplified to include Machine Learning, Generative AI (GAI) Fundamentals, GAI Prompt Engineering and Data Story Telling. The interpersonal skills tutorials have also been with expanded with Emotional Intelligence and Becoming an Outstanding Team Member training. Recognizing that business analysis is best performed as an end-to-end process, the MIBA development experience benefits a wide population including, among others, subject matter experts, project leads, product owners, analysts, SCRUM masters, and developers
A minimum
attendance of 5
participants per
sponsoring firm.
20% for Teams of 10+
Instructor Led Virtual
Distant Learning
September 24-26, 2025
Creating Transformational Insurance Customer Experiences through CX Engineering, Design Thinking and Advanced Customer Analytics: Combines and integrates customer ethnography, design thinking, customer experience engineering, and advanced market analytics – that collectively enable the crafting and execution of a winning insurance customer experience strategy. Attendees build upon these foundational knowledge domains through hands on workshops focusing on Customer Journey Orchestration and Measurement Frameworks, Engineering Contact Center Optimization and a deep dive into Design for CX (DCX) cross functional, end-to-end radical collaboration and innovation. Attendees learn techniques for enhancing multi-generational employee engagement that translates into a superior customer experience. The CXAP curriculum includes training in utilizing generative AI in customer segment specific experience design and AI enhanced call center performance. The entire program is further enlivened with the expanded inclusion of actual insurance CX better practices case studies, specific how-to illustrations and insurance CX AI use cases
10% for Teams of 3+
20% for Teams of 5+
30% for Teams of 10+
Instructor Led Virtual
Distant Learning
October 22-24, 2025
Revealing, Amplifying and Unlocking the True Potential of Your Organization, People and Yourself: An inspiring managerial leadership development program that equips and licenses participants with the insights, tools, instruments and skills to reveal, build upon, and fully engage the strengths of every staff member. The result is a quantum leap in the performance of individuals and teams far beyond and far faster than previously achievable. This high impact learning experience is organized around the four topical domains of achieving and sustaining superior profitable growth including: Attaining Self Mastery, Elevating People Performance, Building Team Excellence, and Fostering Organizational Health. The program also trains participants on the key aspects and techniques in facilitating radical collaboration across organizational boundaries in creating innovative solutions in building competitive distinctions for the enterprise. SBLC designees learn how to enhance, unleash, and harness individual talent and creativity while infusing the organization with unrelenting purpose, resiliency, and a business context that continually brings out the very best in everyone. All in a manner that instills an organizational growth mindset that elevates the firm and every staff member
$3, 450
10% for teams of 3+,
20% for teams of 5+,
30% for teams of 7+
October 21, 2025
Converting the Potential and Power of Generative Artificial Intelligence Into Actual Insurance Applications that Facilitate Profitable Growth, Enhance Underwriting and Claims Performance, While Accelerating Operational and Process Velocity: Anticipating the transformative influence that Generative AI will increasingly exert, beginning in Q1 of 2024 the CIOP Institute organized a collaborative action research effort across the insurance industry. This impactful research combines academics, knowledge leaders and imaginative insurance savvy pros with a focus on practice and experimentation across three applications: Generating New Account Growth, New and Renewal Underwriting, and Policy Administration & Operations. The Generative AI Enabled Insurance Performance session takes the form of a workshop to share the insights, learnings and examples that have emerged from this continuing action research
Free For SBLC
$2,250 for those
participating in any
of the CIOP Institute
2025 scheduled
20% for teams of 7+